ROULA ALJFounder, Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur
Founder, Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur
My mission:
Since launching the RF Team mobile app in 2020, Coach Roula has gone on to inspire thousands of women from around the globe to transform their bodies and minds. She’s an entrepreneur, qualified with various coaching certificates, a proud mother, and one of the Top Fitness Influencers in Montreal. And now, she’s YOUR trainer
Moving Forward, Together.
My journey
In 2019, Coach Roula experienced one of the biggest journeys a woman’s body will ever go through – growing and birthing human life! After having her first baby, she was looking to regain strength and make time for herself and her baby boy. She has always been upfront about her postpartum body and the struggles that come with getting back to being fit and strong. She revealed how becoming a mother had reinforced her approach to exercise. To add to her accomplishments, she had a second triumph after the baby’s arrival, returning to the stage and winning first place again in the bikini competition, this time with her one-year-old baby boy.

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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born.
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MY 35 DAYS Challenge is here to help
Semi-Private Personal Training involves working with me and up to 4 other clients in a session. It’s a cross between
Choosing the right weight to lift is a very common question i get from new clients.
Sugar can be hard to reduce in your diet. I know because I used to be a sugar addict. We
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